Urban Garden

Eggplant Traviata F1

Urban Garden

Eggplant Traviata F1

Product code : 65-0629-01B


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Recommendations :
Indoor sowing : 8 weeks before transplanting in the garden. (*)
(*) From 7 to 10 days after the date of the last ground frost.

A vigorous, without thorn, plant producing fruits of uniform size throughout the season. Good productivity.

maturity after tranplantation (days)


Fruit size

Elongated Oval

Fruit size (cm)

20 x 11


Dark purple



Green Thumb

Cultural practices : Eggplant grows like tomatoes. Sowing within 8 to 12 weeks before the last spring frost, germination will occur after 3 weeks at 24 ° C. Transplants 6 to 8 weeks later in individual pots. In May, the seedlings should be hardened, gradually reducing the temperature without falling below 15 ° C

Soil : plant them in the garden in June, in a rich and warm soil.

Spacing : space the plants at 60 cm in rows distant 80 cm to have an ideal flavour harvested before internal seeds develop.

Growing tips : cut the main stem after the 5th leaf to allow the appearance of side stems which will produce fruit. When the flowers hatch, keep only 8-9 per plant to avoid depleting them, resulting in stunted and less flavorful fruit. Remove suckers (small stems) that sometimes appear at the base of the foot

Harvest : to have an ideal flavor harvested before the internal seeds develop.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

okra, potato, tomato

Companion plants

bean, borage, parsley, pea, tarragon, thyme

They fit good together