
Bush bean Celine Purple


Bush bean Celine Purple

Product code : N/A



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The world’s first purple-wax bean, pods are lavender on the outside and yellow on the inside and easy to locate on the open-habit plant. Celine combines high yields of refined pods with an unusual appearance and a sweet and nutty flavour. Very vigorous at the seedling stage. Pods average 8.75 cm to 11.25 cm long and 0.6 cm in diameter.

Organic seeds

Maturity after sowing (days)


Lenght (cm)

8.75 to 11.25


Small to Medium


Bush bean





Green Thumb

Cultural practices : Sow the beans from mid-May to the end of July, make sure that the danger of frost on the ground has passed, as the seeds are fragile. To germinate, they need a ground temperature of at least 18 ° C, but no more than 24 ° C. Germination of seeds will be poor if they are planted too early or if the soil is too wet.

Soil : It prefers light, well-drained soil.

Spacing : Space the seeds 5 cm to 8 cm in rows 50 cm apart.

Growing tips : For a continuous harvest, sow every two weeks until July. Fertilize them well without allowing the seeds to come into contact with concentrated fertilizer. Too much nitrogen will cause too much foliage and few pods. They call for watering in dry weather and for full sun.

Harvest : Harvest them regularly to encourage the production of new pods. They should not be picked after a rain or early in the morning, this will cause disease.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

Chives, Fennel, Garlic, Leek, Onion, Parsley, Shallot, Tomato

Companion plants

Artichoke, Beet, Borage, Cabbage, Carrot, Cauliflower, Celeriac, Celery, Chard, Chicory, Corn, Eggplant, Melon, Potato, Radish, Squash, Strawberry, Turnip, Rosemary, Savory

They fit good together