Cabbage Lennox F1

Cabbage Lennox F1

Product code : 65-3620-01B


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Recommendations :
Indoor sowing : 5 weeks before transplanting in the garden. (*)
(*) From 7 to 10 days after the date of the last ground frost.

Well known variety from growers because of its sweet taste and tender texture, which is unusual for a winter cabbage. Lennox produces round, solid and well wrapped heads that will store for a long time.

Maturity after tranplantation (days)


Weight (Kg)


Head shape








Green Thumb

Cultural practices : sow them in the ground at the end of May or, sow them indoors four to five weeks before the last frost. If the seedlings are hardened before transplanting, they may endure a light frost.

Soil : cabbage requires fertile, irrigated, humus-rich soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.5. It needs moisture, especially after transplanting or in dry weather. Place it in full sun or partial shade.

Spacing : plant them 6mm deep, giving as much space as possible. Thin out to 30 - 45 cm, in rows 61 cm apart.

Growing tips : when growing cabbages it is important to have a good crop rotation. It is recommended to wait three years before planting cabbage in the same plot.

Harvest : harvest them when the apple is firm and store them in a cold place.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

chive, garlic, fennel, ground cherry, pumpkin, squash, savory, strawberry, tomato

Companion plants

absinthe, arugula, bean, beet, borage, celery, celeriac, chamomile, chard, dill, endive, lettuce, marjoram, mint, onion, oregano, potato, rosemary, sage ,shallot, thyme

They fit good together