Cantaloupe Magnifisweet F1

Cantaloupe Magnifisweet F1

Product code : 65-5930-010


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Recommendations :
Indoor sowing : 3 weeks before transplanting in the garden. (*)
(*) From 7 to 10 days after the date of the last ground frost.

This variety is characterized by a high yield and super flavour. Its slightly netted, deeply ribbed fruits have very sweet, thick salmon-orange flesh. What a winner!

Maturity after tranplantation (days)


Fruit shape


Fruit weight (kg)



Very light





Green Thumb

Cultural practices : start seeds indoors in early spring. After about six weeks and when all risk of frost has passed, the seedlings should be hardened off and planted in the garden.

Soil : Melons need a well-drained, fertile soil with a pH of 6.5 to 7, high humus content and a high level of nitrogen.

Spacing : place the seedlings in small hillocks 1 m apart, in rows spaced 1 m to 1.5 m apart.

Growing tips : make sure to protect young plants from wind and cold weather with cloches or plastic tunnels until they are well established. Soil should be rich in organic matter and kept moist. Choose a warm site in full sun. Pinch end of stems for faster ripening.

Harvest : when the cantaloupes have a sweet scent and their stems break easily, they are ready to be harvested.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

potato, Swiss chard

Companion plants

bush bean, corn, marjoram, okra

They fit good together