Beans – Shell Teggia

Beans – Shell Teggia

Product code : 65-5528-010


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Teggia is a beautiful red and cream shell bean, 17 cm to 20 cm long pods. It can be picked early as a fresh shell bean, like a lima bean, or left to ripen and dry on the plant to make a supply of beautiful dried beans. Fresh beans have a delicious buttery flavour. Teggia grows on a bushy plant, free of currents and is easier to grow in northern regions than lima beans.

Maturity after sowing (days)


Fruit shape


Lenght (cm)





Shell bean


Red and cream



Green Thumb

Cultural practices : sow the beans from mid-May to the end of July; make sure that the danger of frost on the ground has passed, as the seeds are fragile. To germinate, they need a ground temperature of at least 18 ° C, but no more than 24 ° C. Germination of seeds will be poor if they are planted too early or if the soil is too wet.

Soil : it prefers light, well-drained soil.

Spacing : space the seeds 5 cm to 8 cm in rows 50 cm apart.

Growing tips : As soon as the plants reach 25 cm high, mound them by bringing a little soil on the stems to keep them straight.

Harvest : harvest them when the plants are dry and the grains ring in the pods. The dry grains are eaten in soups or baked beans.

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Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

beet, chive, fennel, garlic, leek, shallot, onion, parsley, potato, tomato

Companion plants

artichoke, borage, cabbage, carrot, cauliflower, corn, eggplant, pumpkin, squash, strawberry, Swiss chard, tomato

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