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Cucumber Quick Snack

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Patio collection

Cucumber Quick Snack

Product code : 65-4277-01N


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Recommendations :
Indoor sowing : 3 weeks before transplanting in the garden. (*)
Outdoor sowing : You can also sow directly in the garden. (*)
(*) From 7 to 10 days after the date of the last ground frost.

Perfect little mini cucumber to grows inside on a sunny windowsill or counter without a garden. It can also grow outside as a tabletop patio variety. Parthenocarpic variety, which means it will set fruits without a pollinator! Perfectly adapted to the urban grower. Try it at home and the deliciously crisp and sweet taste of this cucumber will charm you.

Maturity after sowing (days)


Fruit size (cm)

5 x 3

Flowering habit



Slicing Cucumber



Green Thumb

Cultural practices : seed them indoors at least three weeks before transplanting them to the garden. Use "Jiffy" pots to reduce the shock of transplanting. When sown directly in the garden, the soil temperature should be around 16 ° C and when there is no longer any danger of frost on the soil.

Soil : they require light, well-drained soil.

Spacing : put five to six seeds in mounds in full sun and space them 1.5m to 3m in all directions.

Growing tips : before transplanting, water the soil well. It is advisable to use a dark mulch to protect the seeds and increase the soil temperature. The cucumber and the pickle are climbing plants which are of course cultivated in a trellis if you have limited space or on the ground if you want straighter fruit.

Harvest : table cucumbers are harvested from 15 - 20 cm in length and pickles at 2.5 - 7 cm.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

mint, sage, savory, Swiss chard, rosemary, rue, tomato, zucchini

Companion plants

bean, broccoli, chamomile, celery, chives, cumin, dill, fennel, kohlrabi, lettuce, marjoram, okra, oregano, peas, radish

They fit good together