Urban Garden

Kohlrabi Quickstar F1

Urban Garden

Kohlrabi Quickstar F1

Product code : 65-3211-010


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Recommendations :
Indoor sowing : 4 weeks before transplanting in the garden. (*)
Outdoor sowing : You can also sow directly in the garden. (*)
(*) From 7 to 10 days after the date of the last ground frost.

A nice round, slightly flattened, a pale green root that is smooth. Early variety with an excellent uniformity in shape and maturity. Quickstar is sweet, juicy and rich in vitamins and minerals. Sliced into sticks, it is a nutritious and a flavourful snack for the whole family.

Maturity after sowing (days)


Harvest season



Pale green



Green Thumb

Cultural practices : seed directly early in the spring.

Soil : loose, deep, rich and fresh with a pH of around 6.5.

Spacing : in pockets of 3 or 4 seeds distributed every 20 cm. Thin out to keep only one plant, per bundle or 1 foot every 20 cm. Space the rows 25 cm apart.

Growing tips : it does not require any particular care. Be sure to mulch the soil to keep it cool.

Harvest : harvest it when its diameter is 5 cm.

Consult our technical sheet

Growing plants from seeds


Rival plant

chives, garlic, climbing bean, hot pepper, sweet pepper

Companion plants

beet, bush bean, cabbage, celery, cucumber, lettuce, onion, potato spinach, tomato

They fit good together