Medicinal Plant


Medicinal Plant
Urban Garden


Product code : 67-1510-01N


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Borage is a plant that can reach 80 cm in height. Its juicy leaves with a flavor of cucumber, has multiple uses, culinary, medicinal and cosmetic. It is also used to soften and cleanse the skin. It is rich in calcium and potassium.



Maturity (days)


Plant height (cm)

45 - 80

Spreading (cm)




Cultivation mode

Plantation : Indoor: for early flowering, the seeds are sown individually in April.Outdoor: Sow directly in the vegetable garden after spring frosts. Prepare small holes 1 or 2 cm deep spaced 30/40 cm apart. Sow 2 or 3 seeds (in pockets) at each location. Cover them with a thin layer of soil, tamp down and water.

Soil : Indoor: A well-drained, porous seedling soil is ideal for preventing overwatering.Outdoor: it adapts to all types of soil.

Spacing : 35 to 40 cm between plants. This ensures good ventilation and prevents molding.

Cultural practices : in general, we sow it and then it tends for itself. Provide only a minimum of sunlight so he will produces a lot of flowers. Before sowing, clean and dig up the soil superficially. No fertilization is necessary. In rich soil, borage tends to develop stems and leaves at the expense of flowers. Apart from weeding during the first few weeks, borage does not require any special maintenance. It grows easily and almost everywhere. If the weather is dry, you can water to help her regain vigor. After flowering, she will reseed spontaneously and grow again the following year.

Harvest : the leaves are harvested young and eaten in salads. Older, cook like spinach. Flowers decorate dishes rather than spice them up.

Consult our technical sheet

Latin name

Borago officinalis

Companion plants

beet, cabbage, cucumber, garlic, mint, pickling cucumber, Swiss chard, onion

Rival plants
